Saturday, April 10, 2010

Diabetes and Icky Fish Oil

So.....I have Diabetes, Type II.

I was diagnosed back in March after having blood work done through my Nurse Practitioner. If you recall, I have been complaining about my weight for awhile now and am carrying about 30 extra pounds than I should. One of the obvious reasons for the diabetes is the weight. But hearing that I have a medical issue that can become quite serious, even life threatening if not taken seriously, really kicked me into gear! Since that call, I have visited a Cardiologist (because of some other potential factors) and I have sat down with my NP and talked about all my options. I began following Weight Watchers online more diligently, trying to exercise a few times a week (although it should be more) and taking medication and vitamins (including yucky fish oil - which I have to take 10, huge, gel caps a day). I am limiting my alcohol intake to one drink a week as well. I also have to prick my finger and use a blood glucose monitor three times a day to start. I must say that when I sat down with my meter and the very long instructions, I was pretty overwhelmed and scared. But now, the process is quite simple and my fingers are getting used to the poke. I am not following the numbers, but my NP wants me to submit my results after two weeks. Then, I should be down to doing it three times a week instead.

I am proud to say that in the last five weeks, I have lost 8.5 pounds!!!!! This is a big deal to me and I am very proud of myself! I see eating differently now, although every now and then I am tested and I do not always do well. But, what is life without temptation - right?


Jen Broadwater said...

I am so proud of you too (weight loss)I'm sorry you got stuck with diabetes, but at least you are well educated and know how to keep it under control. Take care.

N2ATIVEONE said...

Thanks Jen for your support :)

Daniel said...

I am so proud of you Jennie. I love you very much and can not imagine my life without you. You are doing great and taking everything in stride. You are such a strong person, great mother, wonderful lover, amazing friend and the person that makes my life awesome. Keep up the good work and know that I am always here for you. I LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL!!!

N2ATIVEONE said...

Awwww...thank you Daniel :) I love you very much and appreciate your love and support. BTW, you make my life awesome too.

Head Coach said...

You really should look into a raw food diet to cure your diabetes. On my blog I posted the links to the video "Simply Raw: 30 days to a diabetes cure"

It's an amazing documentary that never ceases to "awaken" those who take the time to watch it. I've had several friends who were able to eliminate their type II meds after doing the raw diet also.

Good luck!

N2ATIVEONE said...

Hey coach, thanks for the information. I will look into it.

Edith @Diabetes Supply n Resources said...

Very informative blog. Thank you so much. I will mention you in an upcoming mailing. Thank you.