Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Moving And The Race Against Time

Have you ever moved around the holidays? Let me tell you from experience, it's not any fun. This is probably the third time that I have done it in my adult life and you would think I would have learned my lesson.

Not only did we move 5 days before Christmas, but here it is, the day before Christmas Eve and I still have tons of shopping to do! The good news is that we are in our new house, after lots of hard labor (mine, Dan's, my mom's and some helpers) and we have lots already put away.

Next step: shop for gifts and groceries for Christmas dinner (oh yes, we are having it at our house). We have the tree and decorations up, so that is a huge plus!

After Christmas, but before the end of the first week in January, we have to clean our old house and get it looking presentable for the owners to regain possession.

My goal for next Christmas: Start shopping and saving money 6 months early, bake, actually make and mail my own cards (maybe even do a family picture card), get a tree early and put decorations up long enough to enjoy them.

Were you prepared for this holiday season? Have you ever had to move during the holidays? Tell us your story......


*Lindsey* said...

I am so impressed that you got all that done in just 3 days! I slacked off so much this year, I didn't send out any Christmas cards! My friend had a good idea today though...send out Valentines Cards! I love it! So unexpected! I think I'll steal her idea.

p.s.-When things settle down, we need to have lunch.


Daniel said...

im sorry that we had to move. i would have stayed at the last house for as long as you wanted. i am however happy with our new home and excited about making a fresh start. (again) i love you bunches and hope that we can make this holiday and all the ones to come a wonderful time for our family. you are my world.. I LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL!!

N2ATIVEONE said...


I did not get to send cards out either :( But I do feel very accomplished.

I like Valentines day cuz I like hearts :)

Yes, let's do lunch, soon!!!

N2ATIVEONE said...


I love our new house and excited about the possibilities of our new start (again) :) I love you too sweetheart and am so glad I found you.

Jannie Funster said...

Me too, on starting in July next year for Christmas preparations!

Quite an undertaking, to move, let alone at Christmas.

I've been in the same place 18.47 years but I imagine it will be hellish when I do move.


Jannie, who's into the White Russians. Time for lunch I guess.

N2ATIVEONE said...

White Russians, huh? I am drinking today, too :)Can't say I have ever had one of those though. Drinking some Sparkletini today - yum.

Happy Holidays!